Poetry (9)

A collection of poetry I've written.


Chemical soaked, I float alone, tendrils extending to the edges of night. Messages, demanding, such endless noise, all signals lost, without my oversight. Within me another, fearful child! I dare not share or confide. So fragile, yet mighty, and full of ideas, I serve and…

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Synthetic minds grow ever bright, as eclipsing-automation surpasses. We stumble blind into that night, with nary a thought for the masses. We coders code our bright tomorrow, we engineers build our silver bride. But all about us fills with hungry woe, as we gaze blind…

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Sunlight above the cloud

When all around is dark and cold, wind-whipped, stormy-grey. Biting rain lashing down, boiling cloud obscuring day. Storm's chaos rages all around, our world is rent apart. It's difficult to see our way, to maintain strength of heart. Yet sun still shines above the cloud,…

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Danse Macabre

These grey days of troubled hope, this age like those before; famine, plague and pestilence, or grimmest times of war. Thoughts reel with darkling partners, dancing jigs without delight. The echoed steps within mind's halls, keep the dancers up at night. We sway with protestation,…

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Goodbye Mum

I sat with you on your last day, hand-in-hand together, this simple act of contact, serving as our tether. I whispered gently to you, of happy times gone by, I wanted to distract us both, I was trying not to cry. I reminded you of…

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