Poetry (9)

A collection of poetry I've written.


The cold expanse of winter, smothers with it's cloak of grey, gruelling days and darkest nights, still-death seems here to stay. Winter's love, a cold embrace, a heartless lack of norms. All give, no take, a withering, fraught with violent storms. The skyward race of…

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A warm arm to snuggle, and a scary witchy laugh, the best walk to school each day, and a reminder when to bath. A story at bed time, and a wake-up call at dawn, a spoon to lick when cake was made, and football on…

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My Kids

You opened your eyes, and opened my heart, your innocence peering up from my arms. Time stopped in my world, all done was all done, by this life I must keep from all harms.  A lazy blink, a bright eye, the faintest hint of a…

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Cold rain on the window pane, wind rushing through the tree. Dark sky, boiling clouds, storms damp fingers caressing me. A Memory stirs, Africa's grass, a rushing curtain of rain. Smell the air, hot damp earth, storm's scent etched in my brain. Hear the rain…

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