Code (4)

I'm a programmer by day, herein dwells a record of my adventures in code.

Designing software

So much of what I do revolves around design, I don't mean the beautiful works of visual art that painters, sculptors and architects bring to our world, I mean the hidden beauty of elegant software, that sweet-spot between achievable and maintainable, that magic place where…

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First go

I have decided to have a serious go at learning Go. I’ve looked at the language for a while and read a couple of books about it, but now the time has come to get stuck in and code a real live project for myself.

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In electronics when you close a switch or connect a pair of wires together, you get a ripple of current that forms as the connection is coming together known as Contact Bounce this bounce or chatter can manifest itself as a number of closely spaced…

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Coding cruddy...

A couple of years ago I wrote an open source library called cruddy that I used to provide a simple data access layer. It's mission was to painlessly to convert objects into database records and back. You use it like this... public int update(SomeObject obj)…

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